Health Reform Is An Inside Job!

Health is so much more than a good check-up with your medical doctor and an all-clear from your dentist once or twice a year. I thought I was adequately healthy and vital ... until the day I wasn't. I've come to desire better resiliency more than anything else these past two years. How well can I move through and recover from trauma? THAT'S the sixty-four-thousand dollar question for me. I've learned life can change in a heartbeat. I've also grown to appreciate and acknowledge the accumulative effects of even 'small' but consistant trauma over time.  

Fo me, it seems a daunting task to try to unravel a story enough to arrive at some semblence of a beginning. The importance of context to a well-told story is immense, and when telling stories of personal trauma, whether physical, emotional, psycholgical, or spiritual ... the neccessity of including context is even greater.  Often, crucial context is not even glimpsed for weeks, months, and even years. That is how I have come to see health as a journey, with dynamic ebbs and flows and interlaced relationships. For that reason alone, you can expect this site to adapt as the path reveals itself. I'll be adding sections as time moves forward, so grab a cup of something and stay awhile!

Check Out What We Have To Offer!


The State Of Your Health Is Found In The Sound Of Your Voice

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Breathe And Change Your Life In Fifteen Minutes A Day

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Tune-In Blog

Tune-In-2 What Is On My Mind (if you dare or care)

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Tune In 2 Self grew out of my own personal story of healing. It's a story that continues to unfold with twists and turns all along the way.  My story is a common story, however.  I'm no different than any other human in many respects. I could be just about any one of you.

Tune In 2 Self is my remedy ... for just about everything!

And there are LOTS of different ways to do the tuning! From meditation to bioacoustics ... or creative projects like mandala-making, tuning-in on a daily basis is essential if you hope to increase your sense of health and well-being on all levels. 

I invite you to explore a few of the techniques offered here.  Check back often! I'll be sharing what I discover on this ever-expanding journey of tuning-in-2-self. After all, health reform is an inside job ... and it begins inside of YOU!

Terri Stevenson â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

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Terri Stevenson, B.A.R.A.

Everybody has a story ... and here is a small glimpse of the inspiration and motivation behind this website. I'm glad you're here.

WELCOME ... To Tune In 2 Self!